Happy Monday!
Lately, I have been getting a ton of questions on how to create a gallery wall in your home and space, and what to put up on your walls? Great questions! I am here to help:)
The great thing about gallery walls is that you really can combine all of your favorite items into one space and their is no right or wrong way of what elements you choose to place on the wall. Some people choose all of the same types of frames for their photos-I on the other hand chose all different types of frame sizes and colors to add a different element to our wall space. Again, it really is totally up to what you prefer. Don’t think you are doing this wrong their really is no right or wrong way I promise.
One other item I will mention is that before you begin nailing in the frames into the wall map out the gallery wall on your floor before you place on the wall. Like this:
That way you can gauge the space you need in between each frame. I LOVE this idea below I found and I kinda wanna switch our gallery wall up by doing this….

Here are some other ideas that I love and think look great in a space, and it is also a great example of what it looks like to have all of the same color frames but with different dimensions on your wall.

Here is a photo of a wall with the same color frames and dimensions:

This shows different elements of frames, and pieces that can be used.

Happy gallery wall hunting:)